
Below are some websites that I use to make my presentations.I hope the help and enjoy! (:

My presentations would be nothing without this website! My whole presentations revolve around this site and if I didn't have it I wouldn't be able to make them!I recommend this site if you want to make a presentations with HTML codes. 

This website is amazing! It's where I get all my characters/symbols.Here is where I get my hearts,stars,snowmans,everything!

This website makes amazing HTML color codes! You can create a HEX code to the color you exactly want!

Here are basic color codes you can use.

 This website is awesome! It has all sorts of color codes going from Basic colors to Pastel colors!

I hope some of these websites help you with your presentations!
Please give me some credit for helping you make them!
~Tania ily xoxo


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