
Hey press learners! Here there are going to be tutorials for you to learn! They are going to be as simple as how to make text,all the way to making an amazing presentation! Many people are contributing to this so we would love to thank them for their help.You may also feel free to request tutorials for help on your presentations. 

<p style="border: 15px solid #000;text-align: center;background-color: #000;""><br><span style="text-shadow: 0px 0px 3px #000;"><span style="font-size: 51.3px;"><font color="#FFE87C" face="century gothic">Name</span></span><br /><span style="text-shadow: 0px 0px 3px #FFFFFF, 0px 0px 6px #FFFFFF, 0px 0px 9px #FFE87C, 0px 0px 12px #FFE87C, 0px 0px 15px #FFE87C, 0px 0px 18px #FFE87C, 0px 0px 21px #FFE87C, 0px 0px 24px #FFE87C, 0px 0px 27px #FFE87C, 0px 0px 30px #FFE87C, 0px 0px 33px #FFE87C, 0px 0px 36px#FFE87C, 0px 0px 39px #FFE87C;"><span style="font-family: century gothic;"><span style="font-size: 35px;">Text</span><br />

You use these two websites:

^^this one to paste the code in

^and this one for different colours 

Where we highlighted in red, is where you change the colour for the border (and to change the colour, go to computerhoope)

Where we highlighted in yellow, is the background, and you can change the colour there, just remember, on all colour things,you need to have # before it ;D

Where we highlighted in orange, is where you can change the colour of the shadowing, you can always cut down the 0px 0px (what ever number)px, so there isn't that much shadowing! ;D

Where we highlighted in green, is where you can change the font colour

Where we highlighted in DARK blue, is where you can change the font theme, we suggest these fonts:
1. century gothic
2. century
3. georgia
4. segoe script
5. mister earl BT
6. Edwardian Script
7. Arial

Types of borders:

Where we highlighted with DARK purple, is where you can change to border ;)

Where we highlighted in peach, is where you can change the font size higher or lower, but remember, you have to keep the px

~Tania and ZoZo :D


cherrycutegirl said...


_MDP_ said...

i need more additional help!

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